In 2023 OpenAI employs 375+ engineers working on their artificial intelligence department.
The average salary of an OpenAI employee is $925 000/yr.
OpenAI valuation in 2023 is $20 billion which is approximately 4% of the total valuation and market share of the entire artificial intelligence industry of $500 billion.
Microsoft has invested $1 billion in OpenAI in 2019. In 2023 Microsoft invested an additional $10 billion.
OpenAI is started in 2015 as a non-profit but in 2019 OpenAI transitioned from non-profit to “capped” for-profit, with the profit capped at 100 times any investment.
OpenAI’s estimated revenue in 2023 is $200 million.
Open AI’s revenue is predicted to grow 5x and reach $1 billion in 2024.
In 2023 the largest OpenAI user group is the 282 companies with over $1 billion in revenue. In second place are companies with $1-10 million in revenue. And when it comes to smaller businesses, about 56 companies with less than $1 million in revenue have started using OpenAI in 2023.
in 2023 OpenAI is the 19th most popular website in the world with an average of 1.9 billion visits per month.
98% of OpenAI traffic goes to ChatGPT (
In 2023 the countries that send the most traffic to OpenAI are United States- 13.36%, India- 7.01%, Japan- 4.01%, Columbia- 3.66%, The Philippines- 2.87%.
In 2023 the OpenAI website visitor male:female ratio is 59.67% male and 40.33% female.
The median age of OpenAI website visitors and product users is 25 – 34 years old.
Among all the social media platforms YouTube (55.47%) and WhatsApp (11.26%) send the most traffic to OpenAI.
The top five countries that use OpenAI include the US, India, France, Spain, and the UK. Combined, these countries account for 39.96% of all OpenAI website visits.
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