Made in Azerbaijan startup: 3D printer-Afandi Ali

Made in Azerbaijan startup: 3D printer-Afandi Ali

Publish date : 2023/12/12

Hi everyone. My name is Ali, I’m 15. I study at the Lyceum named after Academician Zarifa Aliyeva. I have been interested in science since childhood. My favorite fields were physics, chemistry, programming, and robotics. Despite the fact that in those years I did not study the necessary subjects at school, but thanks to the Internet I received information and conducted numerous experiments during which I gained practical experience.

As Henry Ford said: “The best job is a well-paid hobby,”

and I completely agree with this opinion. Therefore, to turn my hobby into a profession, I set myself a goal: to obtain a higher education at the best technological university. To achieve my goal, I chose to study "YÖS" in Galata courses. Currently, I am working on a project for a universal device that will create models by processing different materials. According to calculations, this project will have a big impact on cleaning up environmental pollution. The project is quite complex, so to make the work easier, I assembled (this) fully functional 3D printer from scrap materials, which I want to show you. (The main body l made of PVC pipes pressing into sheets using heat). (I used rods from the car trunk gas spring. (The stepper motors were taken from broken inkjet printers. The bed was made from sheets of plexiglass. All the blue parts were printed by the 3D printer itself, and the black parts were printed on a small 3D printer which I assembled in order not to use ready-made parts. Now it is disassembled because that such parts as the extruder and the control board are used in (this printer), by the way, these are the only ready-made parts used in the creation of these printers. (In this printer, I use the axes of movement used guides from CD-ROM. (This printer was created to facilitate the assembly of (this) printer and it, in turn, to facilitate the creation of the main project. I will not go into detail about this project for the purpose of non-disclosure of copyrights, but after completing the assembly and receiving a patent, I will definitely talk about it in detail in the video presentation of this project.

Due to the fact that I worked alone without anyone’s help, there were difficulties not only in creating mechanics but also in programming and in general designing drawings and 3D models of the device. For modeling, I studied the Fusion 360 program at a professional level. And I wrote the code in C++, as the main code used Marlin firmware which I configured for my purposes.

In general, both 3D printers and many other devices were created to create this project, which turned out to be quite a difficult task. But despite these difficulties, I will bring my work to an end and very soon I will demonstrate my project to everyone.

Now I want to demonstrate how (this printer) works. When turned on, the screen shows the current nozzle temperature and coordinates along three axes. When you press the button, you go to a menu where there are 3 items. We select prints from the SD card and the desired file. The printer goes to the initial position and starts printing. A huge advantage of the printer is the ability to control the speed, flow, acceleration, and other settings directly during the printing process, which can achieve excellent product quality. Thank you for your attention, take care.



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