Web app testing

Web app testing

Publish date : 2024/03/20

An Overview of Web Application Testing

Web app testing is a methodology of software testing & quality assurance process wherein bugs and errors that may lead to web app failure are identified and fixed.

Web apps are accessed via a wide range of web browsers, OSs, and network types. There are many benefits for digital businesses leveraging web application testing, which ultimately ensures the end users get the best possible UX.

Web application testing ensures no bugs sneak into the final production and the final web app release is bug-free.

1. Mobile App test checklist

In this tutorial, we provide sample Test Scenario/ Test Cases for testing a Mobile Application.

You may execute some or all Test Cases based on your mobile testing requirements. Test Cases are organized based on Mobile Testing Types.


2. Website Testing Checklist & Template (Testsigma)


3. Website testing (macdonalds, turbo.az, fhn.gov.az, use.az)

Lighthouse and Error tracking via console in Inspect explorer


4.  Website Performance Analysis


5. Making a Unit test using Visual Studio



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